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Vision that Moves Your Community

Safety Action Plans

 by TJKM Transportation Consultants

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Safety Experience

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Waco MPO Comprehensive Safety Action Plan

The 2024 Waco MPO Comprehensive Safety Action Plan(CSAP) was developed with funding awarded under the FY 2022 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program for 20-member local agencies, TxDOT, USDOT, FTA and Waco Transit Agency. The plan includes ten years of collision analysis for the MPO's planning area and identifies related safety projects. The CSAP was adopted by the Waco MPO Policy Board on April 29, 2024.

Comprehensive Safety Action Plan developed by TJKM Team, vetted by stakeholders and the project steering committee, and the MPO policy board. CSAP included planned projects that would provide a path to Vision Zero by proactively identifying and addressing potential safety hazards, enhancing the overall safety of the mobility space, and ultimately reducing fatalities, injuries, and crashes. It also helped agencies to prioritize safety improvements and justify investment decisions within their jurisdictions. As part of the project as a value-added task, a safety toolkit that lists different countermeasures for future projects was developed, and an interactive dashboard integrated with different types of data to help guide future projects was developed. The project was completed within less than five months allowing the Waco MPO and its member agencies to apply for SS4A Implementation Grant. 

Based on the CSAP, Waco MPO and its member agencies applied for $ 40 million funding under SS4A Implementation Funds to implement safety improvements to enhance safety for all modes within the region and were successful in securing $ 21 million.


City of Cupertino Vision Zero Action Plan 

The City of Cupertino worked in collaboration with all the stakeholders and community in this data-driven effort to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2040. The overarching goal of a VZP was to provide for a safe and secure transportation system for all users while eliminating traffic fatalities from the transportation infrastructure within the city. To help reach this goal TJKM assisted the City of Cupertino to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan (VZAP) to enhance safety and operations for all modes of transportation of all ages. The Plan used crash data to identify the factors contributing to traffic deaths and serious injuries, and it identifies proven safety countermeasures to address those factors through education, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation.

The Vision Zero Action Plan was adopted by the Council in July 2024.


Mendocino Council of Governments (MCOG) - Local Road Safety Action Plan


Early 2024, TJKM was again selected to update and expand the Mendocino Council of Government Local Road Safety Plan completed in 2022 for each of the four incorporated cities and county (Ukiah, Point Arena, Willits, and Fort Bragg, and Mendocino Council of Governments County). The Plan was adopted in the month of September 2024.


The Plan included all required SS4A action plan components, thus enabling the County and Cities to apply for SS4A implementation grant funding. This update/expansion also included newly identified safety projects, including projects identified during stakeholder outreach. A thorough public engagement process was implemented to solicit public input from all areas of the County, including underserved and disadvantaged communities.


TJKM had prepared a total of eight Highway Safety Improvement Program applications, which contributed to securing $4.6 million in Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant funding for the County and the participating cities.


Village of Wellington Vision Zero Action Plan

The Vision Zero Action Plan sets an ambitious long-term goal to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries from occurring along Wellington roadways.

In 2022, The Village of Wellington set the bold target of achieving zero fatal and serious injury crashes along their roadways by 2030. TJKM assisted City to develop Vision Zero Action Plan that included a data-driven approach to decision-making, education, engineering, and enforcement and was based on a safe system approach incorporating pedestrians, cyclists, micro-mobility users (golf carts and scooters), equestrians, and motorists. Community engagement included a steering committee comprising of representatives of the Village of Wellington, Florida DOT, Palm Beach County, Palm Beach County Schools, Equestrian Preserve Committee, Safety Committee, cycling interests, golf cart interests, and various Village boards and commissions including those of public safety and senior citizen interests. 

The Wellington Village Council adopted the Vision Zero plan on August 15, 2024.


County of Santa Cruz Local Road Safety Action Plan 

The purpose of an LRSAP is to provide a structured approach for the county to identify, analyze, and prioritize safety improvements on local roads that the county maintains. This plan will allow Santa Cruz County to enhance traffic safety for all transportation modes and users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers of all ages and abilities.


Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Countywide Local Road Safety Plan

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), in partnership with its member agency local jurisdictions, has developed a countywide Local Roads Safety Plan (LRSP) for all incorporated and unincorporated communities of Santa Clara County.


City of Glendale Local Road Safety Action Plan 

The City of Glendale has developed its first comprehensive Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) that would enable the City to identify potential traffic safety projects. 

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